Personal Best – The secrets of successful people
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Personal Best – Chapter 2 – Purpose

Personal Best – Chapter 2 – Purpose

Personal Best Podcast

Following on from chapter one, this chapter talks about ‘Purpose’ and how your purpose comes from two very important questions which are spoke about throughout the episode.

In this chapter Barry talks about each of us have a purpose in life. In Indian culture they have a beautiful word for it called -dharma- meaning “your true calling in life.” Continuing to say that to have a journey you first need to be sure to what you want and ask yourself “does this lead me to my purpose in life?” Moving on to ‘Your questions are your answers’ Barry talks about how our minds are programmed to answer thousands of questions, from what are we having for lunch to what was that noise. although our mind don’t is ascertain the quality of the question. Barry then talks about a seminar by Paul Dunn, talking about attending seminars, meetings and network events help widens knowledge and contacts. When attending the event Barry found it interesting and it also made him stop and evaluate his own life’s purpose. Also, from the event Paul provided an insight into what worked and how to keep a loyal customer base. Barry then speaks about how ‘Purpose as energy’ and how having a purpose can have a magical power and how it can impact your life but also others around you. ‘Pinpointing your purpose’ nothing can happen until you are clear about your chief aims, being clear. on your aims will help you to discover your true gifts. ‘The power of why’ once you know what your outcome is, you need to be clear on why you want it, why is the fuel that keeps you moving. ‘Why you do what you do’ the reason we do what we do is because of how it makes us feel. Whatever you might want either, financial freedom, weight loss, or a promotion, it all comes down to how you believe it will make you feel. ‘The purpose-driven life’ having a clear purpose in life is a strong driver to a fulfilling and meaningful existence as well as other benefits. ‘Critical questions’ taking time to reflect and asking yourself critical questions, what do you want? why do you want it? Even if these questions take minutes or years to answer you need to be clear on what your purpose is.